About Santa Cruz Adventures

Who are we?

Well, suffice it to say that we love were we live and want other people to enjoy it in the way that we do! (Not having to commute is also a bonus:).  We know that Santa Cruz has a lot to offer because we've spent many years living here and also have visited around this country and around the world and never have seen such a remarkable collection of sights, sounds, and natural treasures that could be enjoyed by everyone.

Why adventures?

We are all committed to one type of outdoor activity or another.  It's either golfing, biking, surfing, or some other variation and we figured that it was high time that someone told the world about it!

What's with the Pelican?

Ah, Jack the Pelican.  Well, here's his story.  

Born on a poor rock in the Pacific, Jack was alone in the world. 
Determined to make a go of it, he scavenged the best he could and was 
befriended by a bunch of surfers off of Steamers Lane in Santa Cruz.

Although lacking the parental guidance to determine the precise diving methods for scooping up prey, he nonetheless picked up on his own method and learned to surf (sans board of course) the waves, hang loose and pick up some sushi on the way.

Amongst his many physical pursuits Jack is also an avid ornithologist. When asked why he followed this particular pursuit, he replied, "I like the ladies, what can I say". He was recently chosen as one of People magazine's 50 sexiest birds but dismissed the honor because "birds have been overlooked for way too long."